Secret Ant Text tricks for reviso
Our customers frequently come up with new ideas, which makes Ant Text an even better help in their work processes.
Here are a few of the latest wishes that has been implemented.
reviso merge fields
In order to make your e-mails more personal, it is possible to insert various merge fields in your Ant Text templates.
You can do this by inserting these codes into your templates:
Common merge fields
The common merge fields can always be used in your Ant Text templates, such as:
- [#SUBJECT#]My subject[#/SUBJECT#]
This replaces your e-mails subject with the text you have written between the codes, in this case "My subject".
You can also use the merge fields below in between the subject field codes, such as: "[#SUBJECT#]Regarding invoice no. [#INVOICENO#].[#/SUBJECT#]"
Customer merge fields
The customer merge fields will be replaced with the customers values obtained from reviso, and they are as follows:
- [#CUSTOMERNO#] - The customer number of the customer related to the document
- [#CUSTOMERNAME#] - The customers name
- [#CUSTOMERADDRESS#] - The customers address
- [#CUSTOMERZIP#] - The customers postalcode
- [#CUSTOMERCITY#] - The customers city
- [#CUSTOMERCOUNTRY#] - The customers country
- [#CUSTOMERFULLADDRESS#] - The customers full address
- [#CUSTOMERVATNO#] - The customers VAT number
- [#CUSTOMERBALANCE#] - The customers balance
- [#CUSTOMERYOURREF#] - The name of the customers reference
- [#CUSTOMERATTENTION#] - The name of the customers contact person
- [#CUSTOMEROURREF#] - The name of your contact person
Document merge fields
By document is meant a quotation, an order, invoice or a creditnote.
The values from the document can be merged into your templates by using these codes:
- [#INVOICENO#] - The invoice number
- [#QUOTATIONNO#] - The quotation number
- [#CREDITNOTENO#] - The creditnote number
- [#ORDERNO#] - The order number
- [#DOC-NUMBER#] - Document no.
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERNAME#] - The customers name
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERADDRESS#] - The customers address
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERZIP#] - The customers zipcode
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERCITY#] - The customers city
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERCOUNTRY#] - The customers country
- [#DOC-CUSTOMERFULLADDRESS#] - The customers full address
- [#DOC-CUSTOMEREAN#] - The customers EAN no.
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONPERSON#] - The customers attention person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONPHONE#] - Phone no. of the customers contact person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONEMAIL#] - The e-mail of the customers contact person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONYOURREFPERSON#] - The customers reference person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONYOURREFPHONE#] - The phone no. of the customers reference person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONYOURREFEMAIL#] - The e-mail of the customers reference person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONOURREFPERSON#] - Your own reference person
- [#DOC-ATTENTIONOURREF2PERSON#] - Your own reference person no. 2
- [#DOC-DATE#] - Date of the document
- [#DOC-TERMOFPAYMENT#] - The payment terms
- [#DOC-DUEDATE#] - The due date
- [#DOC-DELIVERYADDRESS#] - The delivery address
- [#DOC-DELIVERYZIP#] - The delivery zipcode
- [#DOC-DELIVERYCITY#] - The delivery city
- [#DOC-DELIVERYCOUNTRY#] - The delivery country
- [#DOC-DELIVERYFULLADDRESS#] - The full delivery address
- [#DOC-DELIVERYDATE#] - The delivery date
- [#DOC-HEADING#] - The documents subject
- [#DOC-TEXTLINE1#] - The documents text line 1
- [#DOC-TEXTLINE2#] - The documents text line 2
- [#DOC-OTHERREF#] - The other reference of the document
- [#DOC-NETAMOUNT#] - The documents net amount
- [#DOC-VATAMOUNT#] - The documents vat amount
- [#DOC-GROSSAMOUNT#] - The documents gross amount
So let's assume that you want to make your invoice e-mail to look like this:
Dear Eddie
Please find attached invoice no.: 12602
We thank you for the cooperation, and look forward to assist you again in the near future.
Best regards
Marc Allen
Then you will have to write this in your Ant Text template:
Please find attached invoice no.: [#INVOICENO#]
We thank you for the cooperation, and look forward to assist you again in the near future.
Best regards
When you then send the invoice with Ant Text, the merge fields will be replaced with the customers values from reviso.
Do you have any wishes or ideas?
If you do, then we would love to hear about them at
We listen carefully to all wishes and ideas and, if possible, we will try to make Ant Text an even better assistant for you.